What a boring day today........fuhh....How I wish I could be together with my beloved hubby and my most beloved children "Broccolli" and "Pumpkin" right now...at home or elsewhere...watch movies, hang around at the shopping mall, makan aiskrim Haagen Daaz, or duduk-duduk dekat Coffee Bean or McDonalds...waaahhhh ALANGKAH seronoknya..... :))
Today not a very good day for me after what we (I and my hubby) had an arguements with my mom last night...but kalau dah namanya "EMAK" nak buat macam mana kan...kalau kata salah pun she still right no matter what and kesilapannya pun datangnya from both of us, so nak tak nak kenalah terima.....ermmm....sedih pun ada, letih dan sesak dada pun ada bila kena marah....thought of bila dah besar panjang dan dah kahwin tak payah nak kena "scold" lagi esp with parents....alih-alih kena jugak....what an upset situation....but life has to go on no matter what she still my mom. Emak yang telah membesar dan mendidikku sampailah aku besar panjang dan dah beranak pinak. UPSET :((
How I wish right now that "ABAH" is here to calm and comfort me while I was so down coz mom never want know how I feel. Hubby lain 'penangannya' pujukan tak sama....YA ALLAH I really-really miss my dad...Eight years tu terlalu lama dan selama itulah perasaan rindu aku terhadap "abah" terlalu mendalam. "If" he is here.. in the situation I'm sure he will try to protect and back me up no matter I'm right or wrong. I MISS HIM SOW MUCH :((
To be a good parent means that you have to carry a big responsibilities with all household multitasking job which I did sometime feel that I can't cope with what I'm currently doing now....SUSAH...compare to previous (time anak dara dululah). You have to jaga semua 'heart', huhuhuhuhuhu.....Tapi I have to proof it to myself, Hubby, mother, sister, family and in-laws that I can be a better and bestest mother, wife, daughter, daughter in-law in the UNIVERSE....hahahahhahaha (MEREPEKLAH) :))
Tapi overall memang aku tengah sad, unhappy and "soulless" today. Maybe because of last night incident. Tapi apa2 pun aku tetap sayangkan FAMILYku (Ayah, Brocolli, Pumpkin, arwah Abah, Emak & Along) kalianlah Raja dan Ratu dalam hatiku.....tiada yang lain.
Buffet Ramadan 2025 | Bangi Golf Resort
22 hours ago
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