Selamat hari Khamis dan Alhamdulillah kita bersiaran lagi hari ini. Semoga anda semua sentiasa dirahmati dan diberkati oleh Allah s.w.t.
Pada hari ini saya nak letakkan satu entri untuk dikongsi bersama kawan-kawan yang lain untuk pengetahuan kita bersama.

Saya ada membaca tips berkenaan mengenai "Cara Bagaimana Kita Ingin Mengelak Dari Kenderaan Kita Dicuri" didalam akhbar temaptan baru-baru ini, antaranya seperti berikut:-
Secure Your Vehicle
- Lock your vehicle
- Never leave the vehicle key inside the vehicle unattended
- Never leave your vehicle's engine running, even if you will only be away for a minute. Vehicles are commonly stolen at convenience stores, petrol stations, ATMs and outside house compunds when owners leave the vehicle engine running to run errands or to unlock house gates.
- Ensure your vehicle windows are properly closed up.
- Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. However, if you have to, place valuables out sight in the boot. Ensure that no one sees you placing valuables in the boot.
- Park in well-lit areas - vehicle theft usually occur at night under the cover of darkness.
- Park in attended lots - vehicle thieves do not like witnesses and prefer unattended parking lots.
- Park your vehicle in the compound of your house rather than outside. Lock both your vehicle and the gate for improved security.
- Professional thieves are able to steal any vehicle. However, you can make it difficult for them to steal your vehicle. The more layers of protection on your vehicle, the more difficult it is to steal.
- Your budget and personal preferences should determine how many layers of protection and which anti-theft devices are best for you.
- Generally available anti-theft devices are:-
1) Engine immobilisers
2) Better door and ignition locks
3) Security patterned or coded keys
4) Radio/CD Players with security code or removable face plates
5) Window etching
6) Car alarm
7) Steering wheel / gear / brake pedal locks
8) Tracking devices
So kawan-kawan diharap dengan adanya tips-tips di atas, akan dapat membantu kita sedikit sebanyak untuk membenteras gejala berikut daripada terjadi.